Safety Programmes
- Because our community staff are unskilled we would hold regular safety meetings once a month to ensure they understand and comply with the safety aspect of the job.
- We hold induction courses to increase performance.
Policy Guidelines
The Safety Policy guidelines of Times Constructions Company Limited:
- Promotes safety consciousness for all workers.
- Provides personal protective clothing such as safety shoes, helmets, hand gloves, eye goggles, etc, for workers on site.
- Educate workers on the safety rules of our various clients.
Company's Safety Regulations
The Company's Safety regulations are:
- There shall be no drinking of alcohol during official work hours.
- Drugs can only be dispensed by competent persons and with the approval of the company's medical personnel.
- Personal safety equipment must be used for work.
- Workers are to report all accidents, incidents and near misses.
- Workers must attend all safety meetings
Safety Officer
The company ensures that there is always a safety officer on the site:
- To ensure every worker is safe guarded on the job.
- To investigate complains from workers about matters relating to health, safety and welfare of the workers.
- To report to the management any complaints he receives from workers.
- To see that every equipment is in order before being put to use.
Health programme
- We provide first aid facilities including equipment on all our sites.
- We carry out house keeping on every site to make the environment clean and safe.